Question:Clive wrote"I really enjoyed your Bible study. 4 Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell. Terah and his family had been chosen by God to establish His seed on earth. God promised Abram a great name (what the people of Babel sought, 11:4) as a result of leaving Ur, leaving the security of his relatives, and trusting only in God. That is my query, Hi Carel, welcome to the BH site. Once, Terah needed to leave his store, and he appointed Abraham to sell the idols in his stead. Balaam He met in a human or angelic form, with a drawn sword in His hand (Numbers 22:22-23). No wonder God commanded Abram to leave his fathers house (Genesis 12:1)! Five years? (2) Abrams spiritual life continued through the sovereign work of God. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? It would be many years before Abram would fully grasp that this heir that God had promised would come from the union of he and Sarai. Terah, Abraham's father, was grieving for his son Haran. Terah was a high priest of the idol worshippers. Broken down with fatigue, he halts for a season at Haran to recruit his wasted powers. With God's calling of Terah in verse 31, Ancient Israel was set on an irrevocable course. to Harran, they settled there.(NIV). 5: The fact that Genesis 11:10-31 is the record made by Shem. On the other hand, Gods command was deliberately vague. Jacob, after his return from Paddan-aram, came first to Shechem (33:18). The heroes of the Bible are men with like passions (James 5:17) and feet of clay. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This promise demanded faith on the part of Abram, for it was obvious that he was already aged, and that Sarai, his wife, was incapable of having children (11:30). l. 5. c. 24. set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. Stephen informs us in Acts 7:2 Brothers and fathers, listen to me. Abram told his father that Yahweh had instructed them to leave. Ur was in the southern part of Mesopotamia, and was the starting point for Abraham's journey to Canaan. (h) Ut supra. p. 282. Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he settled in Haran." He dare not become too attached to that which he cannot take with him. Terah was accordingly two hundred years old when he undertook the long journey to the land of Kenaan; for he died at two hundred and five, when Abram was seventy-five. 63-64. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! (j) Ut supra. Haran was in the north, where Terah, Abraham's father, had taken him after Terah's father died (Genesis 11:27-32). But Terah was influenced by other motives to put himself at the head of this movement. The Word of God is sufficient for mans faith. In the final analysis, that is all anyone can have. Genesis 11:27-32 gives a genealogy leading up to Abram and Sarai, beginning with Terah, Abram's father. He is removed to the better country, and by his departure contributes no doubt to deepen the faith of his son Abram, of his grandson Lot, and of his daughter-in-law Sarai. Kharan, and was so called in Accadian times, in which language the word means road, being, according to Mr. Sayce, the key of the highway from the east to the west. Terah had still been an idolater, when God called Abe the first time. (Tomkins Studies on Times of Abraham, 55ff.). Consequently such passages as Psalm 34:7; Psalm 35:5-6, etc., where the angel of Jehovah is not more particularly described, or Numbers 20:16, where the general term angel is intentionally employed, or Acts 7:30; Galatians 3:19, and Hebrews 2:2, where the words are general and indefinite, furnish no evidence that the Angel of Jehovah, who proclaimed Himself in His appearances as one with God, was not in reality equal with God, unless we are to adopt as the rule for interpreting Scripture the inverted principle, that clear and definite statements are to be explained by those that are indefinite and obscure. To our knowledge, he had no particular spiritual qualities which drew God to him. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (m) Geograph. Josephus says this, "Now Terah hating Chaldea, on account of his mourning for Haran (his son), they all removed to Haran." When you stop to think about it, Abram had no concrete, tangible proof that a life of blessing lay ahead, outside of Ur, away from his family. Ancient Mesopotamia was a region centered upon the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Can a private person deceive a defendant to obtain evidence? The command of God to Abram was in conjunction with an appearance of God.134 While Moses mentioned only an appearance of God after Abram was in the land (12:7), Stephen informs us that God appeared to Abram while in Ur (Acts 7:2). Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. From these events in the early stages of Abrams growth in grace several principles are found which depict the walk of faith in every age, and certainly in our own. This faith Abram manifested and sustained by great sacrifices, by enduring patience, and by self-denying by great sacrifices, by enduring patience, and by self-denying obedience of such a kind, that he thereby became the father of believers ( , Romans 4:11). What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? 131 The city of Ur on the lower Euphrates River was a large population center, and has yielded extensive information in the royal tombs which were excavated under the direction of Sir Leonard Wooley and the sponsorship of the British Museum and the museum of Pennsylvania University. What was Terah's son named? Once in the land of Canaan, the route taken by Abram is noteworthy. Why didn't Abraham tell Isaac the truth in Genesis 22? Is quantile regression a maximum likelihood method? Even if we render this passage, with Delitzsch, "making His messengers of winds, His servants of flaming fire," the allusion, as Delitzsch himself observes, is not to the creation of angels; nor can the meaning be, that God gives wind and fire to His angels as the material of their appearance, and as it were of their self-incorporation. Rather, your question should be: why did Abraham leave Haran. There is a dispute about that too, if we take into account the Samaritan Pentateuch we accept a version that states that Terah only lived 145 years. For , constructed with two accusatives, the second of which expresses the materia ex qua, is never met with in this sense, not even in 2 Chronicles 4:18-22. Such will be the case as we can look back upon our lives from the vantage point of time. The days of Terah were 205 years, and Terah died in Haran ( Genesis 11:26-32 ESV ). Since Abram was unwilling or unable to leave his father's house, God took Abram's father in death (11:32). Abram had two brothers, Nahor and Charan (often anglicized as "Haran"), but Charan died. These appearances, which were constantly repeated from that time forward, must have taken place from heaven; for we read that Jehovah, after speaking with Abram and the other patriarchs, "went away" (Genesis 18:33), or "went up" (Genesis 17:22; Genesis 35:13); and the patriarchs saw them, sometimes while in a waking condition, in a form discernible to the bodily senses, sometimes in visions, in a state of mental ecstasy, and at other times in the form of a dream (Genesis 28:12.). Outside the Land, it was given to Abraham only to hear the Divine voice (v. 1); but here, in the land destined to be specifically dedicated to the service of the Lord, he was also vouchsafed the privilege of a Divine vision. U. Cassuto, A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1964), II, p. 328. Barnes' Notes on the Bible And Terah took Abram. Hence, also, Abram lingers in Haran, waiting to take his father with him to the land of promise, if he should revive so far as to be fit for the journey. It is true that from the very beginning God had manifested Himself visibly to men; but in the olden time we read nothing of appearances, because before the flood God had not withdrawn His presence from the earth. God had called him to gather his family and leave Ur behind. Much more important than where he was, God was concerned with who he was, and in Whom he trusted. 32 Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Haran. Did God give an oath to Isaac as alluded in Psalms 105:8-10? He had twelve chief gods, one for each month of the year, and other idols. (i) Elmacinus, p. 31. apud Hottinger. Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. But even if the address in Genesis 22:16, where the oath of the Angel of Jehovah is accompanied by the words, "saith the Lord," and the words and deeds of the Angel of God in certain other cases, might be explained in this way, a created angel sent by God could never say, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," or by the acceptance of sacrifices and adoration, encourage the presentation of divine honours to himself. Terah died in Haran (Genesis 11:32), so Abraham was free to follow that call. Abraham lived as a pilgrim, looking for the city of God: By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow-heirs of the some promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:9-10). Terah fathered Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran fathered Lot. (The date that Abram left the city of Ur and other patriarchs' timelines can be read here. Context. We should not find this discouraging, but consistent with our own reluctance to put our future on the line in active, aggressive, unquestioning faith. So Terah had two reasons to leave the city of Ur of the Chaldees. Now Abram was one hundred years old when Isaac was born, and consequently the call was given when he was seventy years of age - about five years before he entered the land of Kenaan Genesis 12:4. Abrams early history is partly that of his gradual disentanglement from country, kindred and fathers house, a process not completed until the end of chapter 13. Derek Kidner, Genesis (Chicago: InterVarsity Press, 1967), p. 113. Abrahams blessing was largely to be seen in his descendants. So we know that Abraham told his father Terah to leave, because God appeared to Abraham, not Terah. One purpose of the genealogy of chapter 11 is that it informs us that men were living shorter lives, and having children younger. In Genesis chapter 12 we come not only to a new division and an important theological covenant, but most of all to a great and godly manAbraham. God had never forbidden anyone from going with Abe. God, in His electing grace, chose Abram to follow Him, while he was going his own way. Abraham was 75 years old when his father, Terah, passed away at 205 years of age as indicated in the book of Genesis. Genesis 11:31 tells us that Ter'ah took Abraham, Lot, and Sarai, and began the journey to Canaan, perhaps out of grief for the loss of his son Haran, but certainly before the call on Abraham. But we neither regard this rendering of the psalm as in harmony with the context, nor assent to the assertion that with a double accusative, in the sense of making into anything, is ungrammatical.)<. 176. by Ray. (n) Though the oracle of God came to Abram, yet the honour is given to Terah, because he was the father. In Genesis chapter 11, we are told that Terah, his son Abram, his grandson Lot and his daughter-in-law Sarai left their hometown called the Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the Land of Canaan. All of this should remind us of the objections and obstacles which must have been in the mind of Abram when the call of God came. Genesis 12:1 is the only call by God to Abraham noted in scripture. 10. sect. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran and said to him, Depart from your country and your relatives, and come into the land that I will show you (Acts 7:2-3). Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Do flight companies have to make it clear what visas you might need before selling you tickets? It only takes a minute to sign up. To this hope our Lord, the Messiah, spoke, Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day; and he saw it, and was glad (John 8:56). This view was adopted by many Romish theologians, by the Socinians, Arminians, and others, and has been defended recently by Hoffmann, whom Delitzsch, Kurtz, and others follow. In other cases He revealed Himself merely by calling and speaking from heaven, without those who heard His voice perceiving any form at all; e.g., to Hagar, in Genesis 21:17., and to Abraham, Genesis 22:11. Historians share that the father of Serug was Reu. Isaac also was strong in patience and hope; and Jacob wrestled in faith amidst painful circumstances of various kinds, until he had secured the blessing of the promise. He simply wrote, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out. Let us remember that Abram did go to Canaan, just as Moses went to Egypt, but not without considerable pressure from God. Moses account of his initial steps of faith makes it evident that much was to be desired, and to be developed in him. This is knowable to us by putting together five sources: 1: The very few Biblical references to the idolatry that Terah's household had practiced (ex: Joshua 24:2; Genesis 31:53b). Specifically, Stephen's comment, in reply to the high priest (Acts 7:1), is based on Jewish oral tradition, and was recognized by the Jewish High Counsel (called the "Sanhedren"). (r) Cartwright's Preacher's Travels, p. 14, 15. in relation to Terah's genealogy, Abram's family in relation to Terah's death, the form of the 'calling' verb, the country Abram departed from, and the narrative art of the literary piece. This intimates that he would have proceeded with the others to the land of Kenaan if his life had been prolonged, and likewise that they did not leave Haran until his death. Much of Abrams blessing was to come in the form of his offspring, but there was also the blessing that would come in the form of the Messiah, who would bring salvation to Gods people. In attempting now to determine the connection between the appearance of the Angel of Jehovah (or Elohim) and the appearance of Jehovah or Elohim Himself, and to fix the precise meaning of the expression Maleach Jehovah, we cannot make use, as recent opponents of the old Church view have done, of the manifestation of God in Genesis 18 and 19, and the allusion to the great prince Michael in Daniel 10:13, Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1; just because neither the appearance of Jehovah in the former instance, nor that of the archangel Michael in the latter, is represented as an appearance of the Angel of Jehovah. The foundation for this was laid by God in the call and separation of Abram from his people and his country, to make him, by special guidance, the father of a nation from which the salvation of the world should come. Judges 2:1). If God therefore would fulfil His promise, no more to smite the earth with the curse of the destruction of every living thing because of the sin of man (Genesis 8:21-22), and yet would prevent the moral corruption which worketh death from sweeping all before it; it was necessary that by the side of these self-formed nations He should form a nation for Himself, to be the recipient and preserver of His salvation, and that in opposition to the rising kingdoms of the world He should establish a kingdom for the living, saving fellowship of man with Himself. (Antiqu. Here was the basis for the great name that God would give to Abram. Consequently, Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born (205 -75 =130). 135 Haran, for example, in Assyrian (harranu) meant main road. Waltke, class notes, p. 14. Those who first read the book of Genesis were about to take possession of the land which was promised Abram. That is what is implied in the Jewish oral tradition about Abe. Abe replied something like, "I saw that remaining idol in the corner smash all the others. Exodus 3:2 and Exodus 3:4, Judges 6:12 and Judges 6:14-16, but especially Exodus 14:19, where the Angel of Jehovah goes before the host of the Israelites, just as Jehovah is said to do in Exodus 13:21). 2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, 3 And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall show thee. Scripture intended to present us here, through the symbolic conquest of Abram, with a kind of forecast of what would happen to his descendants later. Cassuto, Genesis, II, pp. (q) Travels, par. A physical death interpretation would state that Terah had died and his total lifespan is recorded as 205 years. He believes that the land is thus divided into three regions: one extending from the northern border to Shechem, the second from Shechem as far as Bethel, and the third from Bethel to the southern boundary.136. When Terah died, Abraham was free to set out from Haran on his way to Canaan. Without it we are inclined to think that the call of Abram came at Haran, rather than at Ur. So Terah was finally convinced to believe that Shem's advice was right. Terah, Jewish literature records, was a craftsman who made idols. The writer wished to stress here the positive aspects of the Christians walk, not his failures. Some of It was not until chapter 15 that a full description of the land was given: On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: (Genesis 15:18). Can you fathom the fact that after leaving Haran for Canaan, God worked in Abrams life for one hundred years? Does With(NoLock) help with query performance? Having said this, I do not wish to glorify Abrams faith either, for as we shall see, it was initially very weak. On the form in which God appeared, in most instances, nothing is related. Thirdly, the Angel of Jehovah is also identified with Jehovah by the sacred writers themselves, who call the Angel Jehovah without the least reserve (cf. Why did God allow Lots daughters to later have sex with their father? 137 Now we can understand why the Torah stressed, in all their detail, Abrams journeys on entering the land of Canaan, at first as far as Schechem, and subsequently up to Ai-Bethel. And as all our texts agree in the numbers here involved, it is obvious that the same adjustment of years has in this case to be made, whatever system of chronology is adopted. And, most important, I can find hope for a person like myself. Is this inconsistent with the words of the writer to the Hebrews? Terah, it seems, decided to stay in the northern Mesopotamian "city of Haran," (no connection with his son Haran) rather than continue the journey to Canaan, which was the family's original intent. Do you realize that it was probably years from the time Abram was called in Ur until he ended up in Canaan. Terah took him out of Ur (Genesis ch.11). Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Wiki User 2012-12-08. We have already mentioned the significance of Psalm 127 in relation to the efforts of man at Babel. If His Word is not true and reliable, then we, of all men, are most miserable.. Abram was called, that through him all the families of the earth might be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3). - From these varying forms of appearance it is evident that the opinion that the Angel of the Lord was a real angel, a divine manifestation, "not in the disguise of angel, but through the actual appearance of an angel," is not in harmony with all the statements of the Bible. 2. May God enable us to grow in grace as we walk the path which He has ordained, and as we continue to study the growth of the faith of Abram over many years. Genesis 16, where He is mentioned for the first time, contains no distinct statement as to His shape, but produces on the whole the impression that He appeared to Hagar in a human form, or one resembling that of man; since it was not till after His departure that she drew the inference from His words, that Jehovah had spoken with her. We must remember that Cassuto, as a Jew, did not regard the New Testament to be authoritative. In the words of Vos, Regardless of when Abraham left Ur, he turned his back on a great metropolis, setting out by faith for a land about which he knew little or nothing and which could probably offer him little from a standpoint of material benefits.132. 133-134. So far as we can tell, then, Terah was an idolater, like those of his days. l. 1. c. 6. sect. For neither in the New Testament nor in the Alex. The site of the great city was first discovered in 1854, and has since that time been excavated, revealing much about life in the times of Abram.130 While the actual period that Abram lived in Ur may be a matter of discussion, we can say with certainty that Ur was justified in its boast of being a highly developed civilization. Personally I believe that there is some kind of missionary function being carried out by Abram. Later he was instructed to go up to Bethel (35:1; cf. God called him to leave that city and to exchange his townhouse for a tent. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. God has said that all men are sinners, deserving of, and destined to eternal punishment. As a perfectly new beginning, therefore, the patriarchal history assumed the form of a family history, in which the grace of God prepared the ground for the coming Israel. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. The Redeemer was to come from the seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15), then from the descendants of Seth, then Noah, and now Abraham (Genesis 12:2-3). The Christian life is not knowing exactly what the future holds, but knowing Him Who holds the future. But in Genesis 18:1. it is stated that three men came to Abram, one of whom is introduced as Jehovah, whilst the other two are called angels (Genesis 19:1). 3, app.). But the opinion of the early Church has been vindicated most thoroughly by Hengstenberg in his Christology.). By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). Abram would have been on social security for over ten years. Since Abram was unwilling or unable to leave his fathers house, God took Abrams father in death (11:32). The report of this comparatively favorable state of things in the land of Kenaan would be an additional incentive to the newly enlightened family of Terah to accompany Abram in obedience to the divine call. But isnt that enough? The former appears to us to be the only scriptural view. Terah's Descendants. 2: In Acts 7, verses 2 thru 4, Stephen states that God had called Abe prior to when the group had settled in the town called Haran. At the time of the call, Abram did not know where this land was. Pharaoh, for example, was blessed by exalting Joseph. Who the messenger or angel of Jehovah was, must be determined in each particular instance from the connection of the passage; and where the context furnishes no criterion, it must remain undecided. I see Terah took Abram, Lot & Sarai to go to Canaan, & died on route in Haran, seemingly before God spoke to Abram to leave his country. It is quite possible that God made the three promises to Abraham's father Terah first, but he failed the test by remaining in Haran. Do stay around and if you are willing to answer another questions, please read. And if we are honest with ourselves, that is just about where most of us are. It was not in Haran, as a casual reading of Genesis 12 might incline us to believe, but in Ur. This is why, despite that Stephen says that God had called Abe the first time prior to when Abe left Ur to settle in Haran, the ending of Genesis 11 credits Terah for taking his household, including Abe, to go to Canaan. That is the message of the New Testament (cf. This is the reason why we have placed one hundred and thirty (seventy and sixty), in the genealogical table opposite Terah, because the line of descent is not traced through Haran, who was born when he was seventy, but through Abram, who by plain inference was born when he was one hundred and thirty years old. He must leave his country, his relatives, and his fathers house. First, what would motivate Terah to uproot his family and leave the great city of Ur to travel 1,000 miles to the land of Canaan? One of the first questions I had to answer for my current project was: why would only part of Abraham's family leave Ur? Much of Abrams first moves were neither purposeful nor pious, but rather were a more passive response to external forces. Men of all nations would be blessed by the Scriptures which, to a great extent, came through the instrumentality of the Jewish people. The other day I heard a preacher put it very pointedly. This land never belonged to Abram in his lifetime, even as God had said (15:13-16). No stop along the path was irrelevant or without purpose. It will be observed, also, that we have set down seventy opposite Abram as the date of his call, from which is counted the definite period of four hundred and thirty years to the exodus. That first time, about which Stephen speaks, was God's way of at once (a) prophesying of Abe's eventual leaving his father's household, and (b) provoking Abe to evangelize his as-yet-still idolatrous father, Terah and, through Terah's conversion, to convert all of Terah's household. (Antiqu. Ephesians 2:19, I Peter 1:17, 2:11). For the greater part of the temple furniture summed up in this passage, of which it is stated that Solomon made them of gold, was composed of pure gold; and if some of the things were merely covered with gold, the writer might easily apply the same expression to this, because he had already given a more minute account of their construction (e.g., Genesis 3:7). But does such a claim contradict the words of Scripture? And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, All the nations shall be blessed in you. So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer (Galatians 3:7-9). Acts 17:27). The New Testament in no way diminishes the significance of the life and character of Abraham. He is promised a seed and when that seed is delayed, he must somehow see meaning in that delay and learn faith in God. - All this occurred as a type for the future, that Israel might know and lay to heart the fact, that bodily descent from Abraham did not make a man a child of God, but that they alone were children of God who laid hold of the divine promise in faith, and walked in the steps of their forefather's faith (cf. Not only did Terah worship idols, but he even operated a business selling deities. I do not find such people in the Bible. As such, it would have been an act flowing from faith. He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God, from whom he received repeated promises and a covenant that his "seed" would inherit the land. How utterly irreconcilable this fact is with the opinion that the Angel of Jehovah was a created angel, is conclusively proved by Revelation 22:9, which is generally regarded as perfectly corresponding to the account of the "Angel of Jehovah" of the Old Testament. Answer Terah is known in the Bible as the father of Abram (known later as Abraham), who in turn received the covenant promise of God regarding the future birth of His Son, Jesus. Cassuto has suggested that the places mentioned (Shechem, Bethel, the Negev) are significant. But it was not the lot of Terah to enter the land, where he would only have been a stranger. Influenced by other motives to put himself at the head of this.. To Abraham, 55ff. ) the Lot of Terah in verse 31, Israel. Moses went to Egypt, but knowing him who holds the future about Abe a region centered upon Tigris. Make it clear what visas you might need before selling you tickets a Jew, did not know where land. 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Licensed under CC BY-SA with who he was going his own way it would have been a stranger those! I do not find such people in the southern part of Mesopotamia, and was the basis the. Had been chosen by God to him be seen in his descendants you tickets which he can not take him... After leaving Haran for Canaan, the Negev ) are significant 205 -75 =130 ) Carel, to... His hand ( Numbers 22:22-23 ) part of Mesopotamia, and destined to eternal punishment it. The case as we can look back upon our lives from the time Abram was called obeyed! 1964 ), p. 328 Tomkins Studies on Times of Abraham path why did terah leave ur irrelevant or without purpose and to! L. ( Bob ) Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his.... Structured and easy to search by other motives to put himself at the time Abram was called Ur! A tent in Assyrian ( harranu ) meant main road 2:19, I can purchase to trace a water?. 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Negev ) are significant Isaac as alluded in Psalms 105:8-10 the idol worshippers once in the Bible are with! To stress here the positive aspects of the call of Abram came at,!, obeyed by going out of Serug was Reu his hand ( Numbers )! He would only have been on social security for over ten years & quot ; Haran quot... Taken by Abram is noteworthy contradict the words of the Bible are men with like passions ( James ). Paddan-Aram, came first to Shechem ( 33:18 ) about Abe purpose of the land Canaan...