Decreasing returns in expected damage outputAs a counter to increasing returns from defense, SKL is more gainful when your hit chance is poor. Thank you to all who gave us feedback. 20/04/19 Added links to the Steam/Reddit release threads in Resources 20/04/24 Edit to FA, Fixed FA to Backstabber (was 47%, should be 52%), also added link to Fast Adaptation calculations in References. 20/04/28 Fixed Pathfinder terrain values in Forest and changing elevation 20/05/16 Fixed Fatigue gain when shielding to only apply to ranged instead of all attacks 20/06/18 Added an Anti-Goblin section to Adrenaline. Welcome to the largest Battle Brothers mod, expanding on nearly every aspect of the game to increase variety and replay value. Is more Resolve better than a different stat booster?As a raw stat perk, Mind is going to have to be compared to the other raw stat perks. Forge impacts weak and medium attacks far more than high damage threats that heavy armor is vulnerable to. Refer to the example in the mechanics section. This gives you an extra turn of Spearwall guaranteed compared to not having Adrenaline. Then start the next turn by jumping into the enemy backline which works very well against Goblins and other ranged enemies. Forge Brow only helps against specific enemies but it could be worth a look if you arent Indom spamming just because of how dangerous Chosen are. Both are bad advice, unless they also advise that you take Indom. Authorsturtle225turtle225on Steamturtle_225on Redditturtle225on Youtubeturtle225on Github, AbelAbelon SteamVilainJoueuron RedditVilain Joueuron YoutubeVilain Joueuron the WikiLeVilainJoueuron Nexus Mods. Fearsome downsides: Morale checks will naturally occur and some enemies immuneJust damaging and killing enemies normally will often cause morale problems on the enemy team at some point. Sunken Library: Phylactery busterThe Library encourages spreading a few team members out to go bust the Phylacteries. The creature leaps upon its target, pinning it to the ground and attacking repeatedly.Very dangerous. Overwhelm archery appreciates a high base INI and/or Relentless to work against more targets. Press J to jump to the feed. Mind is an auto-pick here. Most 2Handers and Duelists can easily deal more damage than this and thus not benefit too much except against beefy enemies like Warriors. Frenzy helps feed itself, giving you extra damage to keep the killing going. Settlement Situation Tooltip. No other perks are in play unless mentioned. If low hp and high fat then 2h berserk bf, if high hp and low FAT nimble if both low then nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both medium nimble or 2h fat neutral bf if both high then normal 2h bf. Only Indomitable can compensate for low HP in that case, but its an active skill that requires AP and FAT. Tanks usually want RecoverTanks like spamming Indom and Shieldwall, maybe Adrenaline, Taunt, Rotation, Shield Bash, Mace Stun, Spearwall, Destroy Armor, etc etc. Ive talked extensively about the high value of MDF and Overwhelm is essentially an increase in defense (by decreasing opponents skill). One downside though is that if you get Charmed there is a high chance your bro will pop Adrenaline while Charmed which may end up wasting his Fatigue. This is especially helpful against Fearsome enemies, and enemies who directly attack your Morale such as Priests. Frenzy will turn off at the end of next turn if you dont get another kill A buff bubble will appear on the left side of the screen when active The damage bonus effects both hp and armor damage Damage bonus stacks multiplicatively with other damage modifiers (such as Executioner) Can turn online mid AoE swing if a kill is made. Usually it would be better to build an Overwhelm user to be fast enough to get value without having to use Adrenaline. Im just illustrating an example where you can use the turn order to your advantage even without really worrying about the Initiative stat. Two, Flails ignore the defense bonus of enemy shields. Kiting: Make enemies chase you across the mapPolearms are already a good kiting weapon due to the their reach and 5AP costs. Without Pathfinder you cant claim a high ground tile and Forest/Snow will lock you in place, taking away this mobility advantage. Back line solid protection for little costCharacters in the back line are mostly safe from harm, but they can still be targeted by ranged attacks and Nimble offers good enough protection against those. Legendary locations: Special battles like Monolith, Goblin City, etc. But if those items arent really used in combat then Bags is basically wasted. This means an 80 skill bro using a Mace without any surrounding help has only a 30% hit chance against Walling Legion. Misconception Pathfinder is all or nothing for your teamNo. For example, you can easily use a 2H Mace without mastery which is far stronger than a Billhook. 2Handers: Berserk synergy or insurance buttonThe nerf to 5AP took away the natural AP synergy that 2Handers used to enjoy with the 3AP Indom. Taunt can allow you to control two per turn, FAT allowing, giving your damage dealers some breathing room to move in. Enemies also get to enjoy these changes with the noteworthy one being Fearsome. If a Savant moves then he can only attack once so it is in your favor if they move around. Nimble is an obvious example that makes an enormous impact on a bros durability. This means every frontliner can be engaged by four enemies. They arent going to shoot your guy with 20 RDF whether he has Anticipation or not, they are going to shoot the weakest link. Misconception Nimble isnt viable in the late gameNo. 0% injury on first shot. If Fleeing then you ignore the distance penalty which helps pass the check As an example, a Fleeing brother who has 40 current RES after his morale penalties and any other modifiers (such as Banner/adjacency/etc.) Spearwall: Low damage makes injury very unlikelyDue to Spearwall halving your damage and Spears also having poor Ignore%, it is extremely bad at inflicting injuries to anything that is remotely armored. Of course compare it to other stat based perks and make the choice that makes the most sense for your needs. Shield Splitting Throwing Spears can also be useful to bring against Goblins and Gilded. Fencers do generate Fatigue quickly but they also want to have Relentless anyway so it isnt much of a problem. Another not so obvious problem with soloing a bunch of enemies is that every time you dodge an attack it costs you 2 FAT (unless a ranged attack hits a shield), and every time you get hit by an attack it costs you 5 FAT. Manhunters are similar, getting extra bros on the field. Yes it makes it easier to shoot covered targets, but you shouldnt be shooting covered targets because you are choosing to half your accuracy when there are probably plenty of guys out in the open you could be shooting at with high accuracy instead. Duelists/2H Cleavers: Attacking with IndomAs per the change to 5AP Indom, If you want to attack and put up an Indom in the same turn, then you will need to use these weapons. Duelist OrcThe Head Chopper/Splitter are the strongest 1Handers in our arsenal, but they are very heavy and come with additional FAT penalties on swing. Misconception All backliners should take FootworkNo. Armor attachments Additional Fur Padding preferredArguably, the best armor attachment for Forge is Additional Fur Padding (AFP). AFP addresses heavy armor weakness to AID while providing valuable injury resistance Bone Platings (BP) is a worthwhile but unreliable option and Nimble characters want this attachment Light Padding Replacement (LPR) can be considered if FAT is an issue, but it doesnt directly impact durability Attachments granting +40 durability offer the best value against weak to medium attacks, but do little against dangerous AID. To unlock the second perk row, you need to spend one perk point. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. Our brother has no other perks here. More injuries inflicted doesnt necessarily mean that you will get good ones. HybridsHybrids want to be able to use melee and ranged weapons at the same time depending on need and want to be able to switch between them freely in order to do this job well. In normal battles, Ambusher Poison isnt usually a big problem, but the length of the City fight and the number of attackers means you will get worn down, which means you will start getting poisoned at some point. You can also use Adrenaline to set up Overwhelm stacks, though the FAT cost of using Adrenaline is prohibitive to Overwhelm in later turns. Polearms: Backline is saferUnless you are frontlining with your Polearm, you usually dont care for a defensive perk like Reach on the backline where you shouldnt be getting attacked. Ill try spinning, thats a good trick.. Bros with lower skill might be better served with accuracy boosting perks than Berserk. Brow doesnt bring much, but it does promote the 40/160 setup and provides some nice injury resistance. The harder Barb fights will also have Unholds in the mix. If you do want Brawny, grab it later once you have your heavy armor and it makes more sense. For example, you start the turn with the Banner out, QH to Hook/Whip/Net, do the thing (4 or 5 AP), and then use the remaining 4 or 5 AP to bring the Banner back out allowing you to maintain the Banner buff that you want to have while also having the ability to use other weapons/items. This is highly dangerous though, and more often than not you wont actually get or want 6 enemies on you. The less obvious reason is that every turn they spend trying to break your shield, is a turn they arent trying to kill you. Increasing returns from Melee DefenseGoing from 47-50 defense is magnitudes stronger than going from 7-10 defense. You do still want to be using a weapon that makes sense for HH. Most agree that Relentless is a core pick on Fencing builds. Is under such a low risk of dying that he's better off 'protecting' his allies by doing a bit more damage. I have seen some people swear by nimble being better than BF for most units but if I was to make a nimble character what stats should I look out for/prioritise? A level 14 unit with Gifted will still be 3 rolls ahead of a level 14 unit without Gifted. I will say again that Colossus is better than Brow on Forge units and you should only use Brow after Colossus is already taken. High HP Nimble stays competitive throughout the whole game. Legends Mod. Frenzy also depends on being able to hit things to get value. The Knock Back skill gains +15% chance to hit. + Increases SKL and DEF, the best stats+ Never a bad choice, as more SKL and DEF is always good+ Flexibility to choose stats depending on your needs Flexibility can also be a downside, as maybe you want a more specialized perk for your needs, Grants a spendable level up screen like a normal level up where you choose 3 stats, but with every stat getting a max roll without regarding stars. Gash also costs a hefty 15 FAT per swing compared to Mace/Hammer 10/11. While Gunners are a priority target and you want to avoid clumping and/or giving them free reign to shoot you, Dodge can help when they do get shots in. Backstabber is usually only worth +5 and sometimes +10 or better. Anti-Head Splitter/Necrosavant/Blade Dancer/Master Archer/Desert StalkerOrc 1H Axe has the extra headshot damage from 1H Axes, and the others have Headhunter. Brawny may be more enticing if your bro wants to be spamming expensive skills like Indom or Adrenaline. Unless you want to get greedy, every Nimble brother you expect to be seeing danger (front liners) should be taking Colossus whether the guys got 50 or 100 HP. Please refer to the explanation in the Game Mechanics section if you skipped past it. Super tank: Distract large portions of the enemy teamThis is one of the easier ways to make use of LW. Together, you are a Kill-team, and you are unstoppable." Watch Captain Brand of the Storm Wardens Chapter A Kill-team is the standard operating unit composed of an elite squad of experienced xenos-fighters consisting of no fewer than 5 Space Marines that have been seconded to the Deathwatch, the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos . As armor breaks down bro loses the benefit of Battle Forged but does not gain from Nimble due to armor fatigue cost remaining constant. As of BD, Tails now have ZoC which makes kiting a lot harder (and more dangerous). Furthermore, an enemy dropping to Fleeing status yields a morale check on his team, and an enemy dying yields another morale check on his team, so dropping enemies to Fleeing first before killing them helps increase the panic wave spreading to their teammates. The difference in power between a level 6 character without Nimble and a level 7 (when it can first be picked) character is huge. Fencers: More security on LungingFencers are rather perk starved and you can run them without Underdog for sure, but having it is nice for the extra security, and it means you dont have to be so careful about where you are Lunging around. Avoiding arrows does help save Fatigue as well as damage, so if you for sure dont want a specific bro taking ranged stress then Anticipation can help. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizards of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. This is because these weapons will benefit more from the headshot multiplier, and these weapons are also better at killing enemies through their armor, which means there is less chances to split your damage between body/head. + Provides passive durability+ Helps protect against injury Effect isnt actually very strong Outclassed by Colossus Obsolesced if used with Indomitable, Headshots by default do 1.5x damage but only to HP (not armor) The headshot modifier is the very last thing to apply in the damage formula. Ive been mostly negative about CS so far so lets add some positivity because it isnt all bad. A jack of all trades is a master of none.. Every section has been modified slightly, wordings changed, things added or removed, etc. Backstabber wont help your range. Polearms no longer get -15% accuracy penalty for attacking adjacent targets. Now, Fearsome applies a penalty to the targets RES equal to 20% of your RES and this effect occurs whether you deal 1-14 damage like old Fearsome or even if you deal 15+, meaning Fearsome is never a waste (except against immune enemies), and you no longer have to try and deal less damage or use weak weapons in order to get value out of it as before. A 50 RES bro (with no adjacency modifiers or Banner) will have a 65% chance to drop morale on Horrify and a 55% chance of getting stunned (checks rolled separately). + Provides a large global damage increase+ Does better in larger/more dangerous encounters+ Synergizes well with Berserk Requires setup Buff can be wasted if you miss, The 2 turn timer starts right when the kill is made, which means that it counts this current turn. Wanting to spam skills like Adrenaline and Indom are the biggest reasons why you might want to be using Recover. Some perks especially shine in the early and mid game and Im going to be pointing this out. These guys arent a threat without the units accompanying them. Rotation is more of a team player pick while Footwork is more of a get-out-of-jail card. Battleforged is better against average and low penetration ones. As BD added two new human factions, Executioner has more battles that it can be useful in than prior. When should I use nimble? More enemies means more chances to turn Frenzy online, and more pressure on your team to kill enemies quickly. Most enemies will move several tiles toward you and end their turn. Thats a lot of stats, but at what cost?In terms of raw value, LW is nuts, and is better the more talented your bro already is. One, you arent overly concerned with burst damage and give Bleeds time to tick. QH is great here. But otherwise, pairing those with another ranged weapon should address any ammunition problem (see the relevant section below). The less obvious question is how to evaluate going for a Duelist vs. a 2Hander. Even 100 RSK archers will appreciate Gifted. Indom makes you significantly more durable than merely raising your HP, but it comes with the associated costs of AP/FAT, and likely perks like Recover/Adrenaline to help support it. The average level 3 cheap background unit will have ~6 MDF and Dodge will likely start you with +12 or better, almost like getting an extra shield. Overwhelm forces you to attack on your first action if you want to get value. Perk Pictures are sourced from the Wiki and licensed under the same rules as the whole wiki. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Synergy with Pathfinder, Recover, Relentless, Weapon MasteryWhile none of these perks are necessary for Dodge to be good, they do help in small ways by lowering your FAT accumulation and INI penalty. In addition, without some clever positioning on your part, the LW is also going to be missing the Banner buff which is another 10+ RES hes missing compared to normal. This makes Underdog highly desirable here to help mitigate against the increased attacks and surrounding. This is especially troublesome for your Goblin Trophy user as he is immune to Vines/Nets but not the Flies, so if you wanted him to go hunt the Shamans he is going to want Resilient or else get ruined by Flies. So while Forge does improve on that natural protection it cannot, for balance reasons, be as beneficial a perk as Nimble. If you take Mind at 40 RES (after Banner buff) you get +10 RES. They are overall stronger than Brigands, and have dangerous elites. This is actually pretty easy to do because they like to target bros that are closer to them. CS is good against them. With CS as well you can also injure Chosen and Warriors reliably. But 10% of the targets remaining armor, after armor damage has been accounted, is subtracted from this. Other effect dependent on Mastery type. Pathfinder can help guarantee mobilityAs Blazing Deserts dropped the AP cost of Rally to 5, Pathfinder can be useful to help make sure you can actually move your two available tiles before casting Rally. +15% accuracy on Disarm is huge, and many people commonly add Cleaver Mastery to their Polearm users just to have improved Disarm utility. Please refer to the mechanics if you skipped them.. Taunt offers control and utility for your teamTaunt can be a good perk to have on your tanks if you want the additional control option, even if it isnt something you are always using. This is because they swing for 15 FAT normally and you recover 15 per turn, allowing you to always swing if you dont move. The YouTuber responded in a video, saying he took his brother to court for harassment. Having the option to Lash against specific enemies depending on their armor situation gives the Flail some flexibility. That means that four average rolls in HP (+12) gives you +11% EHP, a massive resistance to injuries, and an effective +4 resolve bonus for resolve checks taken due to HP loss. Kraken is in a swampThe Kraken fight is in a swamp. Also clears any damage over time effects and increases stats when triggered. Blading Deserts added three new grenades (Fire Pot, Flash Pot, Smoke Pot). Below are some examples of how it works. Weapons with lower Ignore% like Greatsword, Billhook, and Warscythe can benefit from CS, though Warscythe AoE may struggle to injure even with CS. This is very noticeable, especially on Nimble units who will take a lot of Fearsome chips. Early game: Student is not advised if you are strugglingIf you are having trouble in the early game then you should not be using Student. <1% injury before shot 6 Mastery: 4.79 shots to kill on average. Regular attacks that hit the shield only do 1 damage regardless of Expert. As such, Fearsome generally felt irrelevant in battle. They compliment each other, but they are not a package deal. If you can outspeed them and hit them with a Stagger ability (i.e. Indom is strong, but not mandatoryShould you be using Indom on every frontliner, and also Recover to support it? Even if you run 20 FAT per turn (many 1Handers with Spec) you are only slowly accumulating and only slowly losing Dodge value. Resilient therefore will have some value against common Orc Cleavers and Necrosavants, and less common Barb/AD Cleavers. Misconception Reach is an auto-pick on 2HandersNo. This technically occurs by rounding the FAT cost down Ex. Adrenaline can be seen as a utility or control tool, opening up your list of options in battle. For insurance, one could bring two stacks and use the last bag slot for a Bow or a Crossbow. Even so, regular Rondel Dagger attacks are weak enough that even with three attacks per turn it isnt very impressive. As such, you want your LW to be self sufficient, which generally takes an exceptional bro and careful planning/positioning. Fencers will want Mastery for the FAT which also helps keep their INI higher for stronger Lunges. Since Polearms require very little FAT to use, it nearly guarantees that your Rotation will be available when you need it. Misconception Duelist should be used with Nimble/Dodge/Initiative/etc.I assume this is some kind of myth derived from gaming/fantasy culture. ( Swordmaster Teaches) May learn from a hedge knight for +1-4 . Students will never be two levels above a non-student assuming equal XP gains Therefore, Students will spend much of their leveling functionally one perk behind a non-student Becomes disabled at level 11 (including the XP bonus), and refunds its perk point Allows you to skip a tier of perks if your level 11 bro wants a bottom heavy perk lineup For Indebted backgrounds in the Manhunters origin, Student will refund at level 7 for Indebted bros, as they are capped at level 7. What are the stat threshholds that will determine what is more optimal? Frenzy boosts it further. Once the ads are dead the Hexe herself isnt really a threat. Ive had 60 base RES LWs drop to Fleeing just from people walking up to them. If you have 100/40/60, then you get +15/6/9. Gifted provides a flat +10 stats always and Backstabber is usually at least +5 accuracy. If your Resolve target is 60 (going from 48 to 60) then you are getting 3.75 level ups worth of stats here (including Banner gain), and Mind starts competing better. Light armor/Initiative: Brawny is not your pickYou should not be taking Brawny on an Initiative build just because it gives Initiative. + Improves injury rates and consistency+ Better against harder to kill enemies+ Helps set up Executioner strikes Injuries are inconsistent in their usefulness Killing enemies is preferable to leaving them alive and injured Not very useful on higher end weapons against weak/average enemies and some enemies are immune, Injury MechanicsInjuries are inflicted by dealing a % threshold of HP damage to a target. 9L leaves you crippled and at death doorWhile 9L may save your life once, it doesnt solve whatever problem is occurring that caused your life to drop so low in the first place. With just regular attacks it is one of the weakest Duelist options, but with Hail spam it is competitive with Orc weapons. Yeah definitely going to have to get into cultists on next run as it looks awesome although it seems like one of the most difficult starts and tbh I've struggled with a couple attempted play throughs with bad rng and mostly playing it like a normal campaign where as I clearly need to change up my tactics for recruiting and gearing etc. Skipping FW means you can be more aggressive with your archers, but dont get greedy if you arent comfortable. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. Being thick-headed is a good thing right?. Lone Wolf can be good here and can increase Anticipation returns as well. One could bring two stacks and use the last bag slot for a Duelist vs. a.. 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