Tiredness. Eat right people! Here's what other viruses are going around in Sioux Falls. The OP was from Dec 2019 and you think he should've read an article nearly four months into the future? Measures like masking and social distancing work for other respiratory viruses, as well as COVID-19, says Dr. Chip Walter, who studies vaccine development at Duke University. This is not the flu, it is a bad cold. Then I got pink eye, which is another symptom. [quote] This thread was created mid-December. A major hub for flights to China from the US is through Seattle/Tacoma which is probably why Washington was one of the first states to deal with Covid. The link below is to a ProPublica article but there are many articles in science related publications including the Harvard Health Letter about drug expiration dates. Dont be hard on yourself, R417. So far in 2022, people aged 15-24 and children aged younger than 10 years have the highest . Just as you thought you were feeling better, the second wave came. 60% death rate. CNN Government health officials on Friday warned of an early and severe start to cold and flu season in the United States, saying they were closely monitoring hospital capacity and medical. Theres no doubt that we will face some challenges this winter, OConnell said. I got a flu shot this morning. Building 31, Room 5B52 I tested negative for flu and strep. Thats when he said Why dont you go see a pulmonologist. I got diagnosed about 10 minutes after I walked in the door of that office, Did it really need to take 2 years? I had it starting the Monday before Thanksgiving, and it lasted until some time in January. It's a bronchial virus. Then I stayed home for a month. R330 youll catch it again and well look forward to a new thread: There's a really bad strain of covid going around And it SUCKS. Do a body count of people who died from the "flu" in January and February, and I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers are higher than normal. Just developed (I'm self diagnosing) bronchitis from being exposed to 7 year old mold, dust, mice droppings and lord knows what else was in my garage and storage room walls - my not-quite-slum landlord got a surprise inspection and has to demo and redo all the walls and ceilings. An OTC like Nyquil has several ingredients that are potentially dangerous--so if you want the heavy leaded syrup, get a prescription medication because even cough syrup containing opiates is safer than that swill. This issue covers the period 15-21 May 2022 and includes updates on COVID-19, the arrival of people displaced from Ukraine to the EU following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Influenza, polio virus, hepatitis, avian influenza, swine influenza, and poliomyelitis. R236 is an obnoxious asshole, with egg on his face. even now, the testing is limited. The medically accredited website Healthline said: Hot tea, water, chicken soup, and other liquids will keep you hydrated, especially if you have a fever. Anyway, several of them got tested for Covid antibodies in the Spring and all of them were negative. They are safe and effective ways to protect yourself and those around you. Hydration is essential to keep the body functioning at all times, but is especially important while youre battling an illness. He took it until his cold went away & pronounced himself cured by it. it's baffling that it isn't. The answer to smooth sailing through flu season? She was in good health otherwise. Which is why I'm freaked out about it right now. I can confirm there was an especially robust cold going around in late December. We actually have two years of small children who have not been exposed to any of these viruses at any time at all, she said. Trump won't do it, because he doesn't want to hear how many had it under his watch. We are monitoring capacity across the country sharing best practices to reduce the strain on systems and standing by to deploy additional personnel and supplies as needed, she said, noting that so far, no states have requested this help. And it fucking SUCKS. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. All Rights Reserved. The common cold is the main reason children miss school and adults miss work. Most OTC cold remedies include acetaminophen and you should not take Tylenol if you're already taking a cold medicine for that reason. i had covid symptoms and a cold/fever that wrecked me for a few weeks in feb 2020. A curious thing happened during the Covid-19 pandemic: With masks, social distancing, and Purell galore, we kept most other germs at bay. . Outbreaks of the norovirus, which causes. I had the same thing and got up in the middle of the night to change my t-shirt because of the sweating. Treat yourself (and that includes your body) with love and care. "The precautions we were taking before aren't there anymore.". I realize now that it was probably swollen glands fighting off something and putting pressure on my jaw and ear canal. Wear a mask in public, clean grocery carts with sanitizers, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. Also, there were 2 strains floating around too. Watch the full Resource LIVE: The Curious Case of Surging Summer Sickness Once i went on an international trip where i was with the same 40 people for 10 days. Even these so called non profits. They can leave you sniffling, coughing, and feeling tired. And if you read the comments R65, you'll see that even though the thread was created in mid-December, many people had been suffering from the virus for three weeks or more. The tests aren't the same. Cough has mostly abated, but when I do cough, you'll want to move away from me. The only thing is that COVID-19 spreads extremely quickly. They should rest, make sure they are getting enough water and nutritious food, and get better. [quote] Maybe you will be fine, but do you really want to risk it when you can wait? Oh well, I guess 1-3 days of this is better than getting this heinous flu going around. The first day I was sick I had a horrible sore throat that only hurt on one side. ^^^^ Hopefully all those people coughing in church will die. Still suffering from extreme head congestion and dehydration. So a super cold with symptoms identical to COVID-19 could actually be more of a super flu, as body aches, extreme exhaustion, fever and headaches are the symptoms which usually distinguish a flu from a cold. if you belonged the Costco they sell huge bottles of just guaifenesin and they're ridiculously cheap compared to Mucinex. "This is most likely to affect people with chronic lung disease, like asthma or emphysema, but can also affect perfectly healthy people." Thinks what he knows is true. The loss of taste and smell were the biggest warning signs of COVID, but are less prevalent now than with earlier variants. Totally, it was the very first id heard of it at all, likely any of us. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories, we're happy to send you some reminders, Click 'OK' then 'Allow' to enable notifications, .css-o3g03s{color:black;}Published21:59,23 March 2022 GMT. Nothing more need be said. Nothing helped to alleviate the symptoms. I was feeling better within the week (took 1 day off). Colds, RSVs, and other respiratory infections are making the rounds, as well. Im 5x vaxxed now, but about a month ago I got sick with the WEIRDEST cold when I was 4x vaxxed & still wearing a mask indoors. Eerie to look at threads like this knowing what we know now. Although I did test negative for flu. Early in the pandemic, symptoms like red eyes and loss of smell and taste were clear indicators of Covid-19, but those distinctive indicators aren't showing up in most people with the disease anymore, she adds. overreacting. The only thing that worked for me was taking long walks in the sun for hours on the weekends. I said, Ive had a cough fir 2 years & nobody thinks I have anything wrong with me, but my WBCs keep coming back high, so theres donetbing wring. Did any of you who got a flu shot still get this cold? It's not the flu, because I was tested for it. They both hd coughs for over a month. My buddy does not feel achy like the flu, but the cough is a bitch. Secondly, the virus has mutated and different variants are going to behave differently," Gounder says. The first cases in the US are not the ones where people were first tested. I have no taste for coffee at all. This strain absolutely doesn't want go away. What you should know. Finally at close to 100%. 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lighten up Francis r116 yes you probably give good advice but ease up on the attitude. The co- worker as well. I have not taken the antibody test, and we all have our Moderna shots in the household. When I was sick as a kid mom would give us Campbells chicken soup and a Coke and tell me to sip it slowly. I remember that by the time this thread started, a Discord "friend" said he wasn't feeling very well, "If I don't show up it means I died lol". Im certain covid was going around much earlier than thought. Infected people may not have symptoms, but can still pass along either virus. It just seems to be an awful coincidence that many of us had our flu shots, yet were told we had flu. R66 exactly. Yes, R273. Got this 3-4 weeks ago and still coughing a little. 2020 Mar 17;38(13):2751-2757. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.01.101. Oak pollen here in Florida is horrible right now. cough. R181 Exactly. The about Three days later a ton of backed up mucus cleared out then I was completely cured. Where did this shit come from!? I added a Western product for those who don't like Chinese medicine. Fever, sweats, body aches, deep chest cough, shortness of breath all the hallmarks of Covid. It would be interesting if the Coronavirus was around earlier. We have vaccines for two of the three viruses we talked about influenza, and COVID 19, he said, and he urged Americans to take advantage of them, though not enough have. Take the mucus and phlegm reducing cough syrup, a saline and aloe pressurized nasal spray, Extra strength Tylenol and eat protein for antibody production. Little did I know when I posted this back in December, that we would be dealing with the Coronavirus, four months later. Winter is the prime cold and flu season. Ive had many sinus infections and allergies that affected mine, but never to this extent. It's possible some of us had it. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. It was definitely unique and unlike anything Ive had before. Individual cases of RSV are not reportable in Florida. If this round of antibiotics fail, Ill have to get IV treatment, whatever that entails. [quote]I first heard of covid in December and asked my wife to take extra cash out of the bank in case the banking system was interrupted. It lasted about 2 weeks and started to feel better in week 3. OP/R171 -- had you traveled anywhere when you first got it? So maybe the benefit isn't due to chicken soup per se but the fact that people were getting calories and protein and inhaling steam as they were drinking the soup? Im hoping to get an antibody test when they become more widely available because I wouldnt be surprised in the least if the virus came over here far earlier than has been reported. Sore throat, low grade fever, chills and exhaustion, but none of the other aches that come with the flu or a cold, aside from pulling muscles in my back and stomach from the relentless coughing. And because of that overlap, testing is the only way to be sure, according to Cline Gounder, an infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist and senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation. Stored properly it does not seem to go bad. Just learned this am that the first LA death was denied a test because her fever wasn't high enough. Again - chicken soup has never been proven to cure colds and other related illnesses., Be careful when it comes to science on datalounge, where threads about ghosts & the supernatural attract flocks of credulous frau officeworkers. It just seemed odd and with all the other symptoms I believe I had it. For those who are double vaccinated, Covid presents itself similarly to a common cold, meaning the symptoms are even harder to tell apart. Like five or six hour a day walks for two days. I just now realize. Before that, they sold it in daytime/nighttime medication for 88. Somewhere between cold and flu. The mucus becomes thinner and less of a trigger for coughing. I also stop all forms of dairy. A nasty cold hit New York City and much of the country this summer. Saw something on the news last night that they think the first case in the US was more early in February than they thought. Week 7 ( February 12 - February 18, 2023 ) Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. If so, how do you reconcile the face that corona doesnt have stuff coming from head? 40 50 1 6 weeks State CBSA 2022-23 Influenza Season Week 6 ending Feb 11, 2023 But in recent weeks, "it's apparent in the cubicles: The sneezes will go around in a domino effect, and you can tell people aren't as quick to stay home as they were before," Atkinson, 27, tells CNBC Make It. I didn't realize it when booking, but it just hit me when I saw the date on my e-ticket, that it was just about the same time last year when I went on a trip and came back sick. About one in 11 tests for flu were positive last week. But I was otherwise very sick in February and March. The virus went to her brain. It sounds like a real bitch. No supplements will help. [quote] ], WebMD is only one of many sources praising chicken soup. Stop telling people to do stupid things. It's interesting (and sad) to read the early comments before information about the virus came outin January/February. Typical symptoms of the flu, Covid and the common cold all include coughing, sore throat and a runny nose. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. Exposure to things like dust, pets, and tree or grass pollen can trigger allergies, which are caused by the immune systemThe system that protects your body from invading viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic threats. But increasing your intake once you are sick is unlikely to have a significant effect. Because I had a computer job, he was standing over me a lot and coughing on me. Couldn't sleep during the worst of it. The manufacturer simply took this common ingredient, put it in a capsule, gave it a new brand name and marketed it as a miracle cure. As the 2021-22 cold and flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses to blame for their symptoms. Acetaminophen is a liver toxin and the damaging dose is too close to the therapeutic dose, particularly if you are taking an extra strength cold product. Government health officials on Friday warned of an early and severe start to cold and flu season in the United States, saying they were closely monitoring hospital capacity and medical supplies and were ready to send help if needed. Now do as you're told. High temperature. Had another bad cough, severe headache, fever, chills, etc. no, I've had it twice, and you will never forget it, just like the covid test, it's a long swab stuffed into a nostril, it's super quick though, like maybe five minutes wait. About 173 million flu vaccine doses have been distributed by manufacturers. Typical. And it's not pneumonia, because the doctor checked. Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]. As COVID symptoms become less prominent following multiple vaccinations, colds and COVID are becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate, however Dr Hespe said a RAT test was still the best way to find out. Flu cases are on the rise. It helps loosen up those secretions and prevents drying and irritation of the linings your nose and throat, which worsen your cough. Online ahead of print. Dr Hespe explained that upper respiratory infection symptoms were also symptoms of influenza and COVID, so there was an overlap of symptoms like a Venn diagram which made diagnosing the illness difficult without a GP analysis. No DM shit or anything with pseudoephedrine - they will only make the sinus pain worse. General symptoms will not go away before 12 to 18 days. According to my doctor it wasnt bronchitis. I'm glad this thread floated back to the top again. Some return to normal is exciting, but returning to normal pressures to go into the office when sick is something I had hoped we left behind. It's called the Beer Flu. If your eyes, nose, or ears itch, that also could be an allergy. Well informed and detailed. I was one of the posters who had a lingering cold last fall. You can unsubscribe at any time. Mister Know it All. The most common. Heavy mucus and sinus pain from all of the congestion. I completely perked up on the third day, but by then I had woken up with a nose almost completely blocked. June 14, 2022, 7:50 AM PDT By Daryl Austin Flu season typically strikes the U.S. from the late fall to the spring, peaking from December to February, but hospitals across the country are still. It was the longest she'd ever been out of the office. As you see, you are unlikely to die from it, but people do. One of the reasons why chicken soup has always been proven to cure colds and related illnesses. a stuffy, leaky nose. Worldwide serologic testing (blood test for antibodies) will eventually be done to get a truer picture of how many people were infected but not diagnosed. Dawn OConnell, assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said Friday that her agency was staying in close contact with health care systems and states. I was off Sunday, & Monday as usual, so I was able to get Friday thru Monday housed in my bedroom. Something about it just felt way too efficient, for lack of a better word. Been a very, very long time since I was that ill. Just because you know THE TRUTH doesn't mean you need to fucking tell people. I swear I caught something from my sisters cat whom Id been babysitting; the cat was sneezing quite a bit when she was first brought over. Or at least when life seemed like it maybe could become good again . His "she died because she didn't listen to me about chicken soup" thing is just shtick, it's not real. It was freakish. So this virus was going around for a while. Back in L.A., I did some research about that, and apparently it was normal for that airlines (some kind of fumigant, which I wasn't happy about inhaling), but 2 days later, the Chinese officially announced their cases. 33% of COVID-19 patients do have a productive cough or are producing a lot of mucus. I have been taking thc gummies to help me sleep and some nyquil cough works wonders. Itll be interesting to see how many people died from complications of diabetes, or pulmonary embolisms prior to COVID-19 coming into the lexicon. I let her continue the antibiotic. Had pain swallowing. I was always a coffee drinker before I caught this dreaded cold, but once I had it, I just didn't want to drink coffee any more. High inflation and a volatile stock market are putting stress on organizations and productivity, particularly as many try to close out the year in a shaky economy, and "there's a temptation to push people to go all-in and work until they can't anymore," Walsh says. Any harassment of them is absolutely disgusting. She remembers her boss once saying: Take one day to yourself. The big thing to remember is that theyre not viruses that cause you to go into hospital by-and-large.. Chicken soup helps. Discovery Company. I also took 2000 milligrams of vitamin C in the winter. Overall in the US, nearly one in five PCR tests for RSV were positive for the week ending October 29, nearly doubling over the course of the month. I've barely been sick at all this year thankfully. It's the freakiest thing. Those folks definitely had it very early. We had chest tightness & shortness of breath that led us to think we were going to suffocate. That part lasts 4 or 5 days. Cleveland Ohio here. Most annoying cold I've ever had. Fascinating. Bethesda, MD 20892-2094 I honestly thought I had pneumonia. We are expected to be at the airport 6am Monday and at the client all week - even if violently ill. My boss once continued to come to work with the worlds worst cough. R68, Another medical info source lauding chicken soup with onions for colds. Body fluids had filled the room: Inside Australias grisliest job, Shaylas family speaks after desperate 48-hour search ended in a miracle, A $60 payment appeared in this Aussie mums bank account. A few years ago Mucinex tried to sue everyone and get them to stop making it -- they do this every few years, apparently -- and some companies didn't start making it again when the lawsuit was thrown out. a stuffed or runny nose. Malaga Wednesday, 27 april 2022, 13:07 GPs at health centres are reporting a number of cases where patients have a respiratory virus with symptoms similar to those of Covid-19, but they test negative for the coronavirus. Those infected with the 'super cold' do not lose their sense of taste or smell, but are still warned to get tested for coronavirus due to the shared symptoms. So the Corona virus has been here for a while, it seems. Get your flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine, Walter advises. She always gets sick once a year, but she was VERY sick at the end of last year. Body and head ached. Or were told we just had a cold when we told our doctors that they were so very sick that they were scared. R392, right? Early Tuesday morning, I woke up in a huge body sweat, indicating the fever had broken. Sounds like coronavirus. I stayed home and avoided everyone throughout the holiday season, because I didn't want to transmit it. The percentage of pregnant people who have gotten a flu shot is 47.9%. The media has noticed these kinds of claims and basically pooh-pooed the idea that they could have been instances of the novel coronavirus, remarking that it cannot be verified. Time seemed to be the only thing that helped. Take a mucus and phlegm reducing cough medicine. It was COVID. Activity is being caused mostly by influenza B/Victoria viruses, which is unusual for this time of year. Five of them are more than 90% full: Rhode Island, Arizona, Maine, Minnesota and Delaware, along with Washington, DC. [post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Scientists have warned there is a 'severe risk' of catching a cold this week as nine million people across Britain suffer from the virus. Giving info & advice. Hope you feel better. I had something mid-February that at the time I thought was weird and atypical of my usual annual sore throat. Yesterday it started getting worse again, and today I hardly have the energy to get out of bed. From reading this thread, it was recommended to stop the decongestant, and concentrate on Mucinex ( I bought generic) a cough suppressant, and Tylenol (again I used generic acetaminophen) for the occasional fever feeling, and bought a cold mist humidifier for sleeping comfort. I had this - still kind of do - the cough remains for what seems like forever. Results Monday. Flu and COVID-19 also spread similarly. She thought she was better and didn't pay attention when she started feeling dizzy and short of breath again. In general, influenza has a sudden onset with fever, and muscle aches and pains but a severe common cold can also cause these. In addition to vaccination, Romero reminded people to cover their coughs and sneezes, avoid other individuals who are sick, wash hands frequently and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Yes, a sore throat that lasts longer than usual with a cold. The common cold all include coughing, and it lasted about 2 weeks started! And flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses blame... Was otherwise very sick at the time I thought was weird and atypical of my annual... Out then I got diagnosed about 10 minutes after I walked in the winter is only of. Sleep and some nyquil cough works wonders especially robust cold going around in late December thc gummies help. Believe I had this - still kind of do - the cough remains for what seems like forever 's (... 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